Sunday, June 10, 2012

~Crazy Underway Weekend~

This past weekend my husband (Lyle) went underway. Of course every time he leaves it seems like the kids decide to lose all control and run CRAZY!!!! Today, it seemed like the worse, because not only do the kids lose all control but it seems like every and anything goes wrong. Today for example none of the kids would listen or calm down....
I swear this is what my kids are thinking 90% of the time. Back to the story, it's nap time and I am trying to get Bella down for a nap. Mind you used to I could lay her in her crib and she would cry a bit and give up and go to sleep. Well lately Daddy has been "rocking" her everyday (whenever he is home anyways). Makes my life a little more crazy sometimes, well today I tried laying her down in her bed and she was up there 10 mins. Next thing I know there is not only is my door bell ringing, but then comes a knock. So I walked to the door and answered. Low and behold is my neighbor. 

A little back story, where I live we are connected wall-to-wall (literally). They are rude and inconsiderate! For the last month they started blaring their music, I told them to turn it down & even had to call security...Needless to say it didn't help.  
(oh btw) Keep in mind these are the same people who came over 2 weeks after I moved in yelling at me about my son (Wyatt) about him throwing fits...(he has special needs, but that is another story to share at a later date)

Here he is standing at my door telling me I need to do something about "My Kid Crying" 
Me: Excuse me?
Jerk: My room mate works night shift and is trying to sleep & your kid has been crying and it is pissing him off.
Me: Seriously? Well she has only been upstairs for 10 mins and she is trying to take a nap.
Jerk: Yeah 10 mins of crying! I will call DCFS because that is neglect....
Me: (beyond pissed & shaking) Are you kidding? This coming from the guys who are ALWAYS blaring music after you were told to keep it down! Who do it to be rude, oh and park behind my gate so I CAN'T PARK THERE!!!! 
Jerk: Well I just wanted to come over and ask you to take care of it. 
Me: Look you don't listen when I asked to turn down your music, you just turn it up to be rude
Jerk: (interrupts) That was my room mate and he is a dumbass. If you have a complaint you need to come talk to a sober person which would be me, and I will take care of it.
Me: Whatever goodbye!!!

Now I am beyond angry, I'm shaking and wanting to grab a tire iron to beat my neighbor in the head! Who is he to come to my house and tell me to keep my kids quiet? 
1. They are single
2. They have NO kids!
Now because of this Bella never got her nap and was uber cranky all day.
Not to mention he threatened to call DCFS on me for a crying child. Any Dr. will tell you along with a numerous amount of people to let a child cry it out. As long as they have a cup/bottle, a clean diaper, and are in NO pain they are fine and should learn to soothe themselves. 
Now I am going to housing in the morning to yell at them even more about my neighbors....
I mean it's not like I have enough on my plate to deal with, seriously let's just pile some more on there JERK FACE!!!!

I can not wait til our lease is up and hopefully we can get on and approved for military housing. But anyways that was my day in a nutshell. Oh yeah, the kids still didn't listen the rest of the day and tore up the house after we would try to clean it. Finally gave up! Thank you Lord!


  1. well that guy was definitely a douche bag! and considering the day we had ... we have a few things to celebrate
    1. Kids survived lol (j/k)
    2. WE survived
    3. The living room and the kitchen are cleaned condering the day we had.. I think we are pretty bad ass and make a great team! haha

  2. That is true! I was seriously thinking of pulling out my hot pink duct tape....I swear I will be bald by the time I'm 23.
    Also I think when the guys come home they get kid duty and we drink out the yoo-hoo

  3. Neighbors that complain tend to not like me very quickly. Plus, a crying baby does not have a volume control.
